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I’m Christi.  And I have a confession.  Better to just get it off my chest.  I used to think blogs were cheesy.  And maybe self-absorbed.  Who has time to write that stuff and post it?  And who has time to sit and read it? No, thanks. 

But in the last couple of years, I’ve noticed something.   People are inspired by things they read online.  Friends of mine have been encouraged.  By something as simple as a Facebook post.  Hmmm…Well, I love encouraging people!  If posting online is gonna do it….?

And there’s something else you need to know.  I love Jesus.  BEYOND WORDS kind of love for my Savior.  I would do anything for Him.  And lately I feel Him telling me to write more.  In order to encourage.  To inspire.  To bless. 

But I feel some trepidation about starting a blog.  I really don’t even know what I’m doing.  And I fear being vulnerable in front of strangers.  And I don’t know what I’m going to write about. YIKES. But I’m reminded of God telling Moses to go into Egypt and tell Pharoah to let God’s people go.  Moses didn’t want to do it.  He was afraid.  He was ill-equipped.  But God was trying to tell Moses, “YOU aren’t going to do this big thing.  I’M going to do it.  You just have to show up.”

So here’s Christi just showing up for God, starting a blog to see where He takes this.  Thank you for reading!  May you be encouraged. 

A little about myself: 

I’ve been married for 26 years.  I got one of the good ones.  Every day I’m grateful to share my life with this man.  My husband is the pastor of our church, and I am so proud of him.  In every way. 

I have two children, and they’re the coolest children IN THE WORLD.  Being their mom is my favorite job and the greatest honor I’ve ever been given by the Lord.

I love reading.  I love coffee. I love living in Oregon because IT’S SO GORGEOUS HERE. Go ahead and feel jealous if you must.  I live in the prettiest place in the world!  

And finally, most importantly, I love God.  He is the most incredible and most precious Savior. He is my best friend.  He leads me all the way.  My prayer is for you to know Him too. 

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